Why quit just before the finish line?

Because they are accountable for launching their top sprinter.

I’ve followed the Tour De France every year since I was a kid… I even had the lifetime opportunity to ride all 21 stages in 2013. The tour has something romantic yet so powerful, seeing the riders work together as a united front to help each other. In any well drilled cycling team every rider knows what they are accountable for -

  • Domestiques are there to do anything for the ones that have the best chance of winning, fetching bottles, food or clothing, even giving up their bike for them if needed.

  • Lead out riders go flat out as fast as they possibly can until a few hundred meters of the finish line, and then swing off to let their team mate come through with the intent to take the win.

This is teamwork, with clear accountability at its best.

I help leadership teams to figure this sort of thing out. Creating clarity on what functions are needed in a business, and then the roles to achieve success. Only then do we place the people in the right seats.

It’s not an organization chart you need in business it’s an accountability chart.

What's the accountability in your business like ? If its low, reach out to me, I’ll do more than pass you a bottle.


Do you struggle to get referrals?


Do you clean your house before the cleaners arrive?