Do you often leave meetings more confused than when you start them ?

Previously I've received contact reports following some meetings which make me think,

Was I in a totally different meeting?

WIth EOS I teach the teams I work with, to hold world class Level 10 meetings - every week.

They are focussed on helping your business to create a culture of smoking out the issues in your business, no reporting, you're all way more accountable to just meet to report

No no no….your leadership time is best served to solve issues.

Create a safe culture in your company of being able to collate issues in one place and then each week come together to IDS

Identify, Discuss, Solve.

And here’s the gold… in priority order of what’s the biggest issue for the business right now. This way you have a structured meeting focussed on solving the most important issues.

Finish on time with clarity on what the to do’s are and what the cascading messages to the rest of the team are.

Finally, score the meeting out of 10, this is why it’s called a level 10 meeting.

Want help to hold world class productive meetings every time?
Please reach out.


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