Running a business, is like being a parent...!

Do you find you have to repeat yourself often

7 times to hear it for the first time, is what they say in a business context, although it feels like a lot more is needed at times.

You need a handful of rules. Not loads, it’s too restrictive, just the key boundaries to allow them to be creative, and take accountability

Give them space to learn, and to get the learnings when they get it wrong.

Be consistent (walk the talk) - what ever you say to others, you must be willing to do yourself. Never create a 1 rule for them and another for yourself.

Finally - Take Responsibility. A strong leader must take responsibility to ensure the rest of the team follow. Never leave one behind.

EOS has 20 tools in the toolset to help business owners nurture their team.

Give me a shout if you need help, but not for baby sitting.


Have you ever worked with someone that really annoys you?