Have you lost interest in your business?

The excitement of winning new business and gearing up is second to none. It's almost like a dream come true when it happens,

BUT… it can kill your business.

On one occasion, this happened to me,

We won a great project, the whole team worked long hard hours, the team spirit was amazing, as was the pizzas.

It was only afterwards when we finished the project did we realize…. It cost us money… Ok bad project management, maybe,

The key thing was not having a clear cash flow forecast for the business, we hired badly.

It’s essential you know the potential flow of the money through the business with a worse case scenario to help you make educated decisions, cashflow document is essential and something i learned about quickly, however

At EOS, we have 2 other tools to help in these types of decisions, the scorecard and the accountability chart.

Want to know how to use them to save falling into this same mistake I did?
Then please reach out to me.


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