Why do so many people have no vision of where they are going?

Imagine turning up to work each day and having to crack on with no vision where you are going. Unclear as to what part in the team's journey you play.

This is what it's like for many. Leadership having a vision but not relaying what this is to the rest of the team. Perhaps it's because their real dream is to scale to sell. And may be afraid it will spook the team. That's understandable…. But what would the business look like to achieve that? This is the vision the team need to know.

So many leaders do not clarify what the vision is and therefore. What part each person plays in helping to make this a reality. It's like working blind.

I recently watched, and was inspired by the film Boys in the Boat. A line in the movie said ““All were merged into one smoothly working machine; they were, in fact, a poem of motion, a symphony of swinging blades.”

The outcome of this approach was truly unbelievable

A true story, that demonstrates so simply that if all of your team are merged into one, heading to the same vision, you will beat smarter people that are not aligned.

As an EOS Implementer, I help leadership teams to merge into one smooth powerhouse full of individuals that Get it, want it and have the capacity to just smash it.

Is this what you need ?


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