I had to fire myself several times...!

Have you ever worked with someone who really is a lovely person, meets the company values , a central part of the culture. Perhaps been with you for a long period, came in to do one thing but now sadly struggling with the roles needed for that function. Sometimes the requirements overtake the person's ability.

When this happens, and it will, you’ve ended up with a case of “RIght Person, in the wrong seat. This has happened to me, and not just people I employed… I mean… me

I started my business and knew everything about it. People were buying from me and they only wanted me to handle their accounts, but somewhere along the journey the business overtook me and I was the Right person, but in the wrong seat.

I had to move seats and find someone better than me to replace me. If this happens in your business, and you can find the right seat for this person, great news. However, as hard as it may sound, as a business owner, if you can’t find the right seat….you really need to set them free

To achieve your vision sooner, you need the right people, in the right seats, anything else and you are settling.

Tough decisions, I know. Please reach out if you need help.


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